Smoky Days and Sleepless Nights: A Century or so with the Albion Fire Department, the non-fiction book my husband Mark wrote that I edited, is officially ready to go in print version. We've got boxes of 'em sitting in the office here. It's starting to get really real - the radio interview and television interview/feature (not yet aired) are a little overwhelming! And boy is it ever good to be overwhelmed by good news!
The book is already up on Amazon, but will officially début at the AFD's 125th Anniversary Celebration on the 20th of this July. It'll be out as an e-book afterward. For more info you can check out Mark's website here.
We've also been getting some progress made on our own side projects; he's working on his beloved science fiction short stories and the sequel to Storm Chaser, and I've been puttering around on my poetry chapbook and designing covers.