
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Interview with Storm Chaser Shorts Characters

I interviewed Chance Hamlin, the star character of  Storm Chaser and Storm Chaser Shorts by Mark R. Hunter. His mother Elsa and sister Beth couldn't resist adding in their own commentary, of course.

Storm Chaser is a romantic comedy packed full of adventure and a little mystery; Storm Chaser Shorts is a mixed genre short story anthology featuring the same characters. Both are set in rural, northeastern Indiana and published by Whiskey Creek Press.

Do you have any nicknames on the force?

Chance:  State troopers don’t have nicknames. I’m okay with “Trooper”, “Officer”, or “Sir”.
Elsa: When his father was alive, he would call Chance “my little trooper” –
Chance: Mom …
Elsa: That was before he actually became an officer, of course. I thought he’d be a great accountant … what a wonderfully safe job.
Beth: Chance would find a way to make it dangerous. He’d crunch numbers while on a bungee cord, or something.
Chance: Beth …
Beth: Oh! He’d only take business calls while hang gliding. “You’ll have to speak up, the wind is in my ears.”

Monday, June 18, 2012

Well, I've got a lot going on right now, but I'm trying to keep my eye on the end goal. Out of Mark and I's combined family, 3 people have been in the hospital and another 3 of us have some kind of infection, so it's been pretty crazy.

I've got six submissions in right now, so I'm waiting hopefully for any news on those while helping Mark do some editing and promotional work. He's a little behind from my surgery earlier this year, but we're starting to catch up.

Aaaaandd we have to work on the wedding stuff, since that's coming up. I've been to busy to even work on any of it at all!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Storm Chaser Shorts

Mark's newest book, Storm Chaser Shorts, is out. It's a mixed-genre anthology of short stories about the characters in his first novel, Storm Chaser.

I'm pretty proud of him. It's not really common for publishers to give 'newbie' authors a short story book, so it's a great opportunity for him. 

Storm Chaser Shorts is available on Kindle and from the publisher as PDF and HTML files (to use on your computer or a different e-reader brand).