I interviewed Chance Hamlin, the star character of Storm Chaser and Storm Chaser Shorts by Mark R. Hunter. His mother Elsa and sister Beth couldn't resist adding in their own commentary, of course.
Storm Chaser is a romantic comedy packed full of adventure and a little mystery; Storm Chaser Shorts is a mixed genre short story anthology featuring the same characters. Both are set in rural, northeastern Indiana and published by Whiskey Creek Press.
Do you have any nicknames on the force?
State troopers don’t have nicknames. I’m okay with “Trooper”, “Officer”,
or “Sir”.
Elsa: When his father was alive, he
would call Chance “my little trooper” –
Chance: Mom …
Elsa: That was before he actually
became an officer, of course. I thought he’d be a great accountant … what a
wonderfully safe job.
Beth: Chance would find a way to make it
dangerous. He’d crunch numbers while on a bungee cord, or something.
Chance: Beth …
Beth: Oh! He’d only take business calls
while hang gliding. “You’ll have to speak up, the wind is in my ears.”
What about nicknames when you were a rookie?
Chance: “Rookie”.
Elsa: Some of the older troopers who
knew his father did try calling him “Little Trooper”, but he never had a great
sense of humor about nicknames. Apparently he would give them this stare, and
they just … stopped.
Beth: Every time he gives me that look
I don’t grow for three months. At this rate I won’t hit puberty until I’m
Chance: Good.
Elsa: Elizabeth Marie!
called him a Nazi, because of the blondness, and the uniform thing. It’s not
the first time he got called that – always by other people he was arresting.
What about as a volunteer
firefighter? Any nicknames there?
Chance: Nicknames happen there. I remember
they called Rich “Knothead”, because things keep falling on him.
Elsa: Chance, wasn’t it you who called
him that?
Chance: Well –
Beth: Oh, I remember! I stopped by
during a training drill and you gave me a hug, then Rich called you Blondie
Bear, then you called him Knothead, and I was only five but I think I remember
you two wrestling with each other and then falling into the dump tank.
Chance: Just a little playful
roughhousing. We came to an understanding.
Elsa: Why did I never hear that story?
Was it just before that time he visited you in the hospital and his card said
“thanks for the black eye”?
Chance: No, it was just before the time
I visited him in the hospital, and my card said “matching fat lips – we could
be brothers”.
Beth: Rich is like the brother I never
What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
Chance: Vanilla.
Elsa: Vanilla? I’m partial to mint
chocolate chip. I don’t eat it often, but since neither of them like it I don’t
have to worry about it disappearing.
Beth: You two are so boring! Superman
ice cream – yellow, blue and red together. That’s what I’m talkin’ about.
Who would you pick to play you in a movie?
Chance: A movie? That’s ridiculous. I
don’t even know any of today’s actors.
Elsa: Charlton Heston would make a
wonderful Chance Hamlin. A young Heston, of course.
Beth: Ryan Reynolds.
Chance: Who?
Beth: He doesn’t look all that much
like you, but he’s hot. Wait – come to think of it, I wouldn’t want him playing
my brother. How about Jude Law? He’s got that intensity thing going on.
How long have you and Fran worked together?
Chance: I was her field training officer; in fact, it was my first
time being an FTO. That would have been … ten years ago?
Elsa: That girl was so full of …
Beth: What?
Elsa: Bravado, I suppose. So gutsy and brave on the outside, and
so smart – but part of her was still a scared little girl on the inside.
Chance: What? That’s ridiculous. There was no part of her that wasn’t
completely up to the job.
Elsa: I’m not talking just about the job, dear. You do know she
had a crush on you, right?
Chance: She most certainly did not.
Beth: Totally did. I was only five, and I thought they were
dating. She used to come over and hang out all the time.
Chance: Of course she did. She had no family around here, and Mom
takes in people like others take in stray cats.
Elsa: Maybe it’s for the best that she decided she shouldn’t date
Chance: She never --!
Beth: Fran should totally get together with Allie’s brother.
They could take turns taming each other.
Chance and Elsa: What?!
Um, what has been the most dangerous thing you’ve ever done
in the name of public service?
Chance: Who, me? I’m not into doing dangerous things – what are you
two laughing at? Probably the most dangerous thing I ever did was allowing you
into this interview.
Beth: I’m thinking the tornadoes. Mom?
Elsa: Tornadoes are easy. It’s dealing
with people that’s dangerous.
Beth: But what about the fires? Remember
when the building exploded? Or when he slid down the ladder on fire?
Chance: Oh, I was not on fire –
Elsa: It’s when he has to draw his
weapon, that’s when it gets bad.
Beth: But what about when he’s off duty?
You told me he used to jump boats –
Elsa: That doesn’t count for this
question, and neither does the hang gliding.
Chance: Stop it, you two. Look,
sometimes it’s a dangerous world we live in, and people have to go into harm’s
way. I never do it without using all possible precautions: bullet proof vests,
breathing apparatus, helmets, whatever. If I didn’t do it, who would? Why are
you looking at each other?
Elsa: Nothing, dear.
Beth: If we pointed out how much you crave
danger, you’d just deny it
Chance: I
do not crave danger!
Beth: See?
Speaking of danger, you met your fiancée in a most unusual way. How’s the wedding planning going?
Chance: Well …
Beth: Allie’s brother
is insane. I really like him.
Elsa: Things have
gotten … complicated.
Beth: Yeah, like
crazy complicated. And dangerous. Chance should be loving it.
Chance: I’m sure, with
Fran’s help, Ian Grant will be able to get everything arranged without getting –
you know – killed, first.
Elsa: I’m not sure
poor Ian was the best choice …
Beth: We’ll do it! I’m
their personal planning assistant, and it’s the most fun wedding planning ever,
and nobody’s gotten hurt. Much.
Chance: We’ll get back
to you on that last question.
You can find Mark R. Hunter's books Storm Chaser and Storm Chaser Shorts at Amazon.com, Barnesandnoble.com*, and Whiskeycreekpress.com. Mark is currently working on a sequel to Storm Chaser, a nonfiction book about the history of the Albion (IN) Fire Department, and, hopefully, his wedding vows for next summer...
*Storm Chaser Shorts not yet released in Nook format.
It's always fun to interview characters, isn't it?
ReplyDeleteI like that Chance doesn't know who Ryan Reynolds is, and Beth's remarks about it!
Sorry I didn't answer this when you first commented -- but it is fun! And speaking of which, I'm working on a different, somewhat more manic, character interview for a guest spot on your blog, if you're still willing to have me.
DeleteHey guys... Part of this convo got stuck in the spam filter and I just noticed. Sorry!!